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Indirizzo | New Energy Technologies, Inc. 3905 National Dr., Suite 110 Burtonsville, MD 20866 |
Nazione | Stati Uniti d´America |
Stato | Maryland |
Get in contact with New Energy Technologies, Inc. |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Among our current research and development activities is the development of the first-of-its-kind SolarWindow™ technology, which enables see-thru windows to generate electricity by ´spraying´ their glass surfaces with the world´s smallest known organic solar cells. There are nearly 5 million commercial buildings in America, according to the Energy Information Administration, and more than 80 million single detached homes. New Energy´s patent-pending SolarWindow™ technology is under development for commercial application in such buildings.
We are also developing MotionPower™ technologies to generate sustainable electricity by capturing the excess kinetic energy produced by the estimated 250 million cars, trucks, buses, and heavy commercial vehicles registered in America which drive more than 6 billion miles each day on our nation´s roadways. New Energy´s engineering teams have successfully prototyped and durability tested our first-generation MotionPower™ energy harvesters.