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Indirizzo | 3B-The Fibreglass Company / Birkeland Plant Postbox 42 N-4795 Birkeland |
Nazione | Norvegia |
Get in contact with 3B-The Fibreglass Company / Birkeland Plant |
Prodotti o Macchinari
3B offers a wide range of fibreglass products for the reinforcement of thermoplastics and thermosets. Different glass types are available depending on the processing needs or end-use requirements.
3B uses the Advantex® technology, the recognized benchmark in the fibreglass industry for clean technology.
Advantex® glass has been formulated to be a boron-free E-glass. As well as its more beneficial ecological profile, Advantex® glass also gives significantly improved corrosion resistance properties over standard E-glass. In accordance with ASTM D578 and ISO 2078 Advantex® glass is both an E-CR glass and an E-glass.
3B also produces the HiPer-tex™ high performance fibre which is the result of a groundbreaking development in manufacturing technology that enables high performance fibreglass to be produced at an attractive cost.
HiPer-tex™ reinforcement was designed to meet industries´ demands for high mechanical strength, stiffness and impact resistance - while also offering significantly higher thermal and corrosion resistance properties compared to E-glass reinforcements.
The 3B product portfolio is continually developing so if you don´t see the product you want, contact us for more information.