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Indirizzo | Sankeen Industrial Co., Ltd. No.662 Hualong Road 250100 Jinan |
Nazione | Repubblica Popolare Cinese |
Get in contact with Sankeen Industrial Co., Ltd. |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Sankeen Industrial Co., Limited is located in Jinan city of Shandong Province. Since founded, we are always devoted to be the better professional supplier in the field of pharmaceutical packaging materials. Our main products include molded glass vials for injection and infusion, tubular glass vials, glass ampoules, glass test tubes, glass milk bottles, antibiotic rubber stoppers, transfusion rubber stoppers, lyophilization rubber stoppers, coated rubber stoppers, hemostix rubber stoppers, aluminum seal caps, pilfer-proof aluminum caps, flip off seal caps, tear off seal caps, pvc iv bags, spike ports and vial crimpers etc.