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Indirizzo | Davris Glass Favierou 56 Chalkida |
Nazione | Grecia |
Get in contact with Davris Glass |
Prodotti o Macchinari
The glass like a material exsisted at the nature,and it was created from the melting of specific rocks In circumstances of very high temperatures (mainly after eruptions).This rock is the obsidian, a dark opaque rock, used thousands of years ago for the construction jewelry, vascular, tools and arms. Until nowdays has not determined when and where the glass had started to beproduced by humans. The glass as a building material has certain physical, chemical and mechanical properties that have to be concerned at the static study, Such as:
- transparency
- smooth surface
- Chemical inertia
- optical properties
- Maintaining engineered and optical properties at high temperatures
- Good dielectric properties
- Unchanged constitution to the passing of time
- It doesn´t contain pores
- It is easy to change its shape
- It has glossy surfacesς
Transparent Basins
Showers - Bathtubs
Fusing Bowls