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Indirizzo | Paragon Tempered Glass former Tem-Pace, LLC 1830 Terminal Rd. Niles MI 49120 |
Nazione | Stati Uniti d´America |
Stato | Michigan |
Get in contact with Paragon Tempered Glass |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Paragon Tempered Glass makes thousands of different parts for hundreds of customers across dozens of industries, including:
- Architectural
- Door
- Window
- Greenhouse
- Equipment Cab Maker
- Commercial Fixtures
- Food Service Equipment
- Refrigeration
- Office Furniture
- Home Fixtures
- Appliances
- Furniture
- Shower Enclosure
- Aquariums
- Lighting and Illumination Fixtures
- Machinery
- Vending
- Machine Tool
- Laboratory Equipment
- Solar Panel
- Transportation
- Aircraft
- Marine
- Off-Road: Construction & Agricultural Equipment, ATV, Military
- On-Road: Automotive, Mass Transit, Truck Cap, Heavy-Duty Truck, Limousine, RV, Rail
- Window and Door Framing
- Our flat tempered and radius bent glass, sculpted formed glass, IG glass,as well as other fabricated products provide the customer with many alternatives and new opportunities.