Effect of exhaust positions on refractory corrosion in an Oxy-Fuel furnace
This study was carried out to reduce the refractory corrosion in an Oxy-Fuel furnace by variationg in exhaust positions and type.
Based on furnace and operation data, the current furnace situation was simualted to identify the reason of the increased corrosion observed in this specific furnace. The current furnace was taken as base case and 6 different exhaust positions, dimensions and shapes were simulated and compared corning refractory corrosion.
Specific attention was paid to the critical glass composition and resulting evaporation causing refractory wearing. Modelling the evaporation, especially the exact release location and mass flows, was important to calculate a correct fluid flow and corrosion.
The Oxy-Fuel combustion was modelled with an own developed turbulence-chemistry-interation model to ensure reliable results.
Only the use of improved submodels for the turbuilence-chemistry-interation gave reliable predictions of temperature and species distribution. In this specific case the modelling of the evaporation from the batch was critical to predicts a fluid flow and resuling corrosion behaviour of the furnace.
The comparision of the base case and the variations showed that the increased corrosion could be avoided completly by choosing an optimal position of the exhaust.