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Prodotti o Macchinari
Macsa Macsa designs, develops and engineers, markets and supplies laser coders and laser marking equipment and related accessories, software and service and training products. It sells through a network of specialist distributors to end-user customers and OEMs in several industries. Its end-user customers range from small single site companies to larger companies who may be members of multi-site or multi-international groups. These customers use Macsa lasers to enable them to comply with coding regulations, to manage their supply chains and to protect their brands. Some customers also use Macsa lasers to add value to their products by marking, shaping or, in some other way, altering them.
Macsa supplies both CO2 and YAG laser coders with powers to suit most applications and capable to operate in both static and dynamic mode. Its software products provide powerful functionality and enable Macsa lasers to be run from customers´ PCs.