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Indirizzo | Rongju Machinery & Electronic Co.,Ltd No.3 liji lane, 2nd xiaobian industrial area, 523840 Dongguan |
Nazione | Repubblica Popolare Cinese |
Get in contact with Rongju Machinery & Electronic Co.,Ltd |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Operating Temperature Range:-50~+105 Degree Celsius.
Rated Voltage Range:6.3v~100v DC.
Nominal Capacitance Range:0.47uF~1500uF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%(126Hz, ±20Degree Celsius)
Leakage Current:1≤0.01CRUR(uA)or 3uA whichever is greater(after 2minutes)
Dissipation Factor(120Hz 20C):Ur(V) 6.3~100, tɡ$:0.12~0.30
Load Life: After applying rated voltage for 2000 hours at +105C and then resumed 16 hours, the capacitor shall meet the following limits:
Capacitance Change ≤±30% Initial measured value
Leakage ≤Initial specified value
Dissipation Factor ≤300% of initial specified value
Shelf Life: After storage 1000 hours at +105C and then resumed 16 hours, the capacitor shall meet the following limits:
Capacitance Change ≤±30% Initial measured value
Leakage ≤200% of Initial specified value
Dissipation Factor ≤300% of initial specified value
Resistance to soldering Heat: The capacitors shall be kept on the hot plate maintained at 250C for 30 seconds. After removing from the hot plate and restored at room temperature, then meet the following requirement:
Capacitance Change ≤±10% Initial measured value
Leakage ≤Initial specified value
Dissipation Factor ≤Initial specified value