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Prodotti o Macchinari
Names for Vaseline Glass
Vaseline Glass is a type of glass, but each manufacturer of yellow-green glass had their own particular name for the ´glass that glows´. Remember also, that when this glass was originally made, UV lights were not yet in existence and the only purpose to add uranium dioxide was to get a different color to sell.
Various names that Vaseline glass goes by:
yellow, or yellow-green glass
Canary (most all older companies)
Canaria (Pairpoint)
Primrose Pearline (British: Davidson glass)
Citron (Steuben)
Topaz (Fenton & Cambridge)
Jasmine (Duncan & Miller)
Golden Green (Imperial)
Mustard (Imperial)
Florentine (stretch glass by Fenton)
Rubina Verde (usually yellow-green on the bottom with a red flashed finish on top of the item)
Vaseline glass also is made in the following finishes:
plain yellow & yellow-green
Irridescent (Carnival)
Stretch irridescent
Cased with different internal glass