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Indirizzo | VCL - Valve Competence Luxembourg S.A. Zone Industrielle „Am Potaschberg“ 19, op der Ahlkërrech 6776 Grevenmacher |
Nazione | Lussemburgo |
Get in contact with VCL - Valve Competence Luxembourg S.A. |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Flue Gas Shut-Off Dampers
The Flue Gas Shut-off Dampers are responsible for controlling the flow of the Flue and Waste Gas of plants for the float-, container- and special-purpose glass industry.
VCL provides these dampers with machined frame gate or shut-off gate guided in lateral slots according to customers requirements.
To simplify the overhaul all parts which has to get exchanged after some years are arranged on the valve bonnet.
Key Features
- Robust design, high reliability, and quality
- Uncooled and temperature resistant design
- Low maintenance
- Easy overhaul and restoration
- Different kinds of actuation
- Applicable for both types of flue duct (Brick-wall and steel duct)
- Special material to ensure a smooth operation up to 750°C medium temperature